
Showing posts from February, 2016

If I were a Structuralist...

     As a part of our study, (click here to see the study part) we learn STRUCTURALISM and how structuralist do their criticism.       Almost all literary theorists since Aristotle have emphasized the importance of structure. ''Structuralist criticism" now designated the practice of critics who analyze literature on the explicite model of structuralist linguistics. This mode of criticism is a part of a large movement, French Structuralism in the 1950s by the cultural anthripologist Claude Levi-Strauss, who analyzed, on Saussure's liguistic model.       Saussure has said about linguistic structure in which he has emphasized on three terms:  1. Parole : Which is individual utterence, a word . Every person uses different words as per their birth place for the word "Water"  2. Langue : Which is perticular meaning of a perticular word.  3. Language : So many Langue combinely made a Language. A meaningful way ...