Tradition & Individual Talent

Tradition con not be inherited. One can get it with great labor. According to me a writer or even a critic must have Historical sense. As Eliot says that "The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence" If a writer or critic has a Historical sense than he could be more clear in his work. Because this sense involves both sense: The sense of Past and The sense of Present. When a writer starts writing in the beginning of his career he follows his predecessors. So we can say that, that is Tradition, that he follows. But after sometime when he develops his skill and reads more and more than his Individual Talent reflects in his writing. Eliot says that Individual Talent is that in which l esser effect of Tradition(Predecessors) could be seen. So Tradition and Individual Talent has connection. If one has read his time's tradition than only his own Individual Talent will come out. ...