Magic Land or Real World?
As a part of our study we have completed the Harry Potter's one part "Deathly Hallows" and the task is given by the teacher is here... (to see the main task click here) The theme of choosing your destiny rather than being born into it extend throughout the book, right down from Harry Potter’s name. Choices means making life our OWN. The author also has described "choices" as a recurrent theme in the books. Harry claimed to Malfoy that he was able to decide who was the right sort on his own. Harry didn't choose to be made an orphan; that was inflicted upon him. He didn't choose to live with his "bigoted" and abusive aunt and uncle; or, for that matter, even to have wizard abilities. In fact, the "driving force" behind his early life's agenda was set for him by the choices of others. He was often punished for, "being." The author seems to be letting him discover t...